The World is Astonishing with You in it: A 21st Century Field Guide to the Birds, Ferns and Wildflowers
This book consists of eight 5x7” archival-pigment printed lumen photographs. The book’s unique design opens up onto one large 13x19" image on the verso, “Field.” The abstract images were made with the lumen printing process, placing black & white photo papers in the sun to draw out latent color in the paper. These abstract images of birds, ferns, and flowers are on the North American endangered list. Each original photogram in the series was made by placing a Field Guide book (of birds/ferns/flowers) that belonged to the artist’s late mother on the photo paper and exposing it in the sun.
Archival inks and papers, one page of text, plastic case, signed sticker. The book houses one unique “fugitive” (unfixed) lumen print in the book’s pocket, that will continue to evolve as it is exposed to light, signed by the artist. In this edition of 200, the cover of each tier is a different color gradient. The price increase from tier to tier echos the rarity of these species as the books also become more rare. The book insert is printed by Datz Books.
1. Rose (1-95) $110
2. Kunzite (96-174) $125
3. Lavender (175-191) $175
4 & 5. Purple (192-196) $250; Deep Purple (197-199 with collector’s print) $500 - SOLD OUT
6. Gold (200 with collector’s print) $1000
Collector’s Books: The last 4 books in the edition (197-200) come with an additional 5x7” signed, archival, hand-collaged and mounted, lumen Collector’s Print in a white holographic-stamped envelope. The full proceeds of edition #200 will be donated to a wildlife fund.