Stacks (and books): 2020 - present
These images, sun-prints made with books, are often displayed as multiples, stacked together like the piles of books in my studio and at my bedside. Each individual sun-print is made with a different book, the title of which is a catalyst for the image. Most are books on nature, some on the practice of art. Most recently, I have been making them with photo books that are dear to me, primarily having something to do with our physical world, felt, imagined, perceived, and embodied. Overall, these have been a way of thinking more broadly about the landscape, the natural world, and photographic practice today.
The works in “Lumen Notebook” employ books to make the photograms, except for the earliest attempts where I used photo boxes on the paper instead. I have been curious about making photographs that begin with language rather than optics. What might that look like? How does that lead a project forward? How does text relate to image in art? Also, How might the aura of a given book infuse a work with meaning?
Stack (Installation)
The Meadow
The Secrets of 6 Figure Women
In Between Places
Out in the Sun (One Day)
Where We Go (Again)
Horizon Magazine
A Field Guide to the Flowers
Dictionary to the Birds in Color
Stack (installation)